Sunday, November 17, 2013

It sorta snuck up on me...

I am an old married lady!
This wasn't supposed to happen to me!
But today, I went shopping with one of my best friends, and was back in my house at 6:30, and was exhausted! I am such a loser! Well, maybe I've always been a loser and just didn't want to admit it.

Anyways, more to my point, earlier Stace and I were talking about how we seriously need to start exercising. I'm not really any bigger than I've always been, I'm just a completely different shape! And I have no idea when this happened. Well, it might have something to do with the fact that I sit at my desk in front of a computer pretty much non-stop from 7:30 am to about 5:30 pm every day, drive home, make dinner, sit on the couch eating said dinner and then remain sitting on the couch with Luke while we watch the news and then our shows until it's time to take a shower and go to bed.
But seriously, this is getting unacceptable.

So while we were shopping, we decided to change things so we bought some really inspiring Under Armour  tights/leggings from Belk to get us off the couch and in the working out mood. Since it's rare that I get the house to myself for a few hours, when I came home, I pulled on my new tights and started youtubing workout videos.

I did two 10 minute yoga videos by Tara Stiles (look her up!) and then, feeling fit and brave, I clicked on a 7 minute video titled "Love your Legs routine with Karena". Mistake. First off, the first 2 minutes are of these gorgeous-super-fit-big-boobed-tiny-waisted girls running around in bikinis on the beach. I felt like a beached whale. Then you get to the video and she's wearing some sort of push up sports bra, tights, and leg warmers. She's gorgeous. Flash over to me in my leggings, baggy hoodie and pony tail, it's disappointing to say the least. She does a few floor routines flashing her million dollar perfectly white smile the whole time. She doesn't even look flustered. I'm sweaty and gasping for breath. It's just sad really. 

So now I'm on to the next challenge. I need to just find a workout class near me so that I can be surrounded by other people trying, no just my own heavy breathing and the two dogs in the living room. What is your favorite type of workout? Give a girl some suggestions!

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